sábado, 13 de febrero de 2016

Diary of a Trainee Teacher: Week 2 (8th to 12th Feb)

Major start to a short week. Monday and Tuesday (8th and 9th February) were bank holidays in La Nucia, so there was no school. However, Wednesday and Thursday did greatly compensate these two-days-gap, you know, they were very intensive with a lot of new stories and anecdotes happening around school. Here's a selection of the best of the week.

To start with, I joined the INTEGRA group with my trainer for the first time. In the blink of an eye, I could notice more than one difference compared to the English classrooms: huge and spacious, built-in kitchen, plenty of resources and materials, laptops, ping-pong table… For one second I wondered “am I surrounded by a few outstanding students who deserve special privileges?” But I knew that wasn't the reason. I had heard about the Integra program and it was just the opposite way.

For those of you who do not know what's this all about, Integra is aimed at preventing the early school leaving. The development of this experimental program, through the implementation of specific projects, should contribute to ensure students learn basic knowledge, procedures and behaviour patterns that contribute to their development in later adult life. It is also aimed at improving coexistence and success rates through practical, highly motivating activities in collaboration with social and educational institutions. Specific admission criteria are provided in the corrresponding act.

Despite this being my first contact with these students, I fear it is not going to be easy dealing with them, as their lack of learning skills and disruptive behaviours become evident straight away.

Some other activities took place on Wednesday, such as the Tutorial session with the Head of Studies or the speaking exam on the A2 certification program, where a total of 12 students participated.

On top of the week is my first class (designed and led by me). It was on 4th ESO and consisted of a speaking activity about conditionals that lasted about 35 minutes. Students were given the following scenario:

Imagine that you are participating in a TV reality show similar to “Survivors” in which you will spend twelve days with a group of people on a deserted island of the Caribbean. But… when you pack your luggage, you can only bring one item with you. You have to make a choice.

I will write down your answers on the board and at the end you all have to suggest what could you do with each of those items.

What would you take to a deserted island?
If I went there, I would take a match box.
If I went there, I would take a fishhook.
If I went there, I would take sun protective creams.

Now, try to find out potential uses out of each item:

If we had a match box, we could start a fire.
If we had a satellite phone, we could be in contact with our family and friends.
If we had a laptop, we could watch offline movies.

After all, do you think you could survive during 10 days? What would have happened if you had not brought any of those items?

If we hadn't brought a water filter, we would have drunk salty water.
If we hadn't brought sun protective creams, we would have got burned.
If we hadn't brought a sleeping bag, we would have slept on the floor.

I was very satisfied about the results: students were active and participative, and what's more important, they had fun while learning some complex grammar. Feedback from students and teacher was very positive. So first test passed! xD

Talk to you soon!

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